Classroom Connection is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donations are tax deductible. You can donate directly to Classroom Connection through PayPal.

  • $100 can supply a classroom with paper, crayons, pencils, glue sticks, and more for the year!
  • $500 can supply a whole school with pencils, crayons, colored pencils and more!
  • $1000 can supply two schools with basic supplies, or one school with basic supplies plus awesome extras like much needed headphones for computers, flexible seating, or STEAM kits.


Classroom Connection maintains an Amazon wishlist of some of the most commonly requested supplies. You can order these supplies and ship them directly to Classroom Connection.


If you are interested in hosting a supply drive at your church or place of work we will provide the bin and the signage. Email us at to get started.

You can also host a virtual monetary donation drive and ask your employer to match funds.

Need a team building experience? Organizations can adopt a class or school, pack the supplies and add a little note of encouragement to get students excited about the school year!